
Wednesday 1 August 2018

Recipe: Asam Pedas Ikan Pari Melaka


Today I want to share my asam pedas recipe. Since I am Malaccan, back at my hometown, we eat this dish once or twice every single week without fail! I actually find cooking asam pedas is easy as it does not really require so many ingredients. 

Ingredients: ( For 2-3)

To blend: (A)
1. Onions (1 if big, 2 if smaller).
2. Garlics ( 2)
3. Ginger (half an inch)
4. Belacan (if you want, about 1cm)
5. Tumeric (1cm)

1. Ikan pari ( you can use chicken, beef etc.)
2. Halba ( 1 tbsp)
3. Lemongrass (1)
4. Kaffir lime leaves ( daun limau purut)
5. Dried chilli paste (4 tbsp)
6. Tamarind paste ( 1-2 tbsp)
7. Water
8. Okra 

1. Put cooking oils onto pan. Then put in halba, lemongrass & kaffir lime leaves. Ahh the smell.
2. Next put in A and stir cook until they turn brownish and pecah minyak like how Malays like to call it.
3. Put in dried chilli paste and wait until pecah minyak again. 
4. Put in ikan pari and let it absorb all the aroma and flavour, once the fish looks slightly cooked, put in tamarind paste + water. Stir well.
5. Put in water, and adjust to your liking. Like me personally I like my asam pedas not too cair/cayak. Also put in vegetables of your choice. I use okras.
6. Season your dish with salts. 

There you go! Enjoy.

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